the 20-20-20 Rule
We blink up to two-thirds less often
per minute when looking at a screen, which can dry out our eyes, causing irritation. To help maintain a healthy level of
moisture and reduce eyestrain, get in the habit of looking at something at
least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
-So ingat biasakan mata anda untuk melihat sesuatu yang jauh dan gelap setiap seketika atau ketika merasakan mata pedih atau silau.Berkesan~
Your Type
Times New Roman may be your default
font, but onscreen its curvy design with tiny tails on the ends of letters,
called serifs, may slow word recognition and force you to stare harder and
longer, contributing to eye fatigue. Fonts like Arial and Verdana, which have
more space between letters, can make words appear crisper and easier to read
from farther away, taxing your vision less.
-So nak taip2 words kat excel or microsoft tu gunakanlah jenis tulisan Arial atau Verdana.ermm,patutla ku selalu terima surat dari outstation guna tulisan mcm ni..dah tahu rupanya.
Your Screens
Anytime we view an image up close,
our eyes have to cross inward to bring it into focus. When screens are covered
with fingerprint smudges, dust, and dirt, focusing becomes even more difficult
and, over time, can strain eyes and lead to chronic headaches. Wipe your
most-used screens daily with a microfiber cloth to get rid of grime.
-Nah,so rajin2kan diri kita untuk membersihkan skrin komputer okay.Bahaya ni.
P/S-mata saya memang rabun dah sejak membaca buku secara dekat tym kecil.Tapi mata saya masih elok lagi coz xbergantung pd spekmata puuun~Alhamdulillah.